Rad Reads

Allie Finkle is back with a new book and new rules

It can happen to even the best of friends—one day you’re laughing with your BFF about the embarrassing thing her Dad did, the next you’re fighting over something stupid and not speaking to each other.
Allie Finkle has some new rules for handling just this kind of sitch. When her class heads to a historic schoolhouse as part of a joint field trip with another school, each student is assigned a “buddy”.
It just so happens that the other class is Allie’s former school and Allie's partner is none other than her ex-BFF Mary Kay! Looks like this field trip will be a Blast from the Past in more ways than one… 
Find out what rules Allie will be sharing in the 6th book, Blast from the Past, from the Allie Finkle’s Rules for Girls series.
WIN IT! Nine girls will win a copy of Blast from the Past, while one lucky lady will snag every book in the series.

Enter now. Contest ends November 7th.
Want more from our favorite rule maker? CLICK HERE for all the deets on Allie.
by GL | 2/1/2016