Rad Reads

Dream about your own magical world with My Very Unfairy Tale Life

Twelve-year-old Jenny is an adventurer, a human who travels from kingdom to kingdom to help out magical creatures.

It’s a pretty hard job for anyone, let alone a student. And since she’s the best adventurer there is, the mysterious magical Committee depends on her to make fairytale endings around the world. Jenny’s careless gnome guide, Anthony, keeps dismissing her early from school to promote peace and harmony across magical realms. Since humans seem to forget about magic after they’re exposed to it, it seems Jenny’s friends have forgotten about her.

Things change when Jenny’s sent to the world of Speak to help talking frogs Crong and Ribba find the realm’s Prince Lamb, who’s been kidnapped by the evil sorcerer Klarr. Klarr’s cast a silencing spell on Speak so that very few citizens have the ability to talk. And when Klarr puts the same spell on Jenny, she’s just about had enough. She wants to go to school like a normal girl, hang out with her friends and play mini-golf. Will Jenny quit being an adventurer to live a magic-free life? Or will she help the desperate citizens of Speak?

Anna Staniszewski creates a magical world that’s totally relatable. You’ll find yourself wishing you were alongside Jenny fighting against unicorns (who aren’t as peaceful as you think) and traveling to fantastical realms.

Be sure to check out My Very UnFairy Tale Life (in stores now). Then come back and let us know your thoughts.

Grab the book here!

If you could have one fairytale ending, what would you want it to be? Blog about it, babes.


by Devin Alessio | 2/1/2016