Rad Reads

Start fresh with Return to Me

In search of a good read to start off the New Year? Well then, we suggest putting Justina Chen's Return to Me on your 2013 book list.


Follow Rebecca as she makes some major life transitions. Leaving for college is a big step in itself, but what if you added a potential long-distance BF, a smothering mother, a father who leaves your family, and a gift (or curse) of having terrible premonitions? Watch Rebecca persevere through it all during the summer before her impending first year of college in NYC.


Return to Me is a story filled with architecture and tree houses, dear friendships and familial struggles. Is Rebecca truly a "rebel" as her BF Jackson calls her, full of strength to overcome the drastic changes in her life?


This book is a great adventure about growing up and finding the optimism that can save you from drowning in dark, uncertain waters. Rebecca's path to self-discovery is entertaining and courageous. So grab a life vest and hop on for the ride! The book hits shelves Jan. 15


If you could go to college right now, which state would you want it to be in? Blog about it, babes.


by Karin Elwood | 2/1/2016