
Is it true that guys don't like tall girls?

I don't like anybody in particular but I would like to send a message out to guys saying something like "OVER HERE, ME...YES, ME! I WOULD MAKE A GREAT GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! PICK ME OVER HERE! ! I'M TALL! HOW IS THAT? DO YOU LIKE TALL GIRLS?!!!!!!!!!!"

Dear Why Not Me?,

I picked your letter, so passion and creativity count for something. But subtlety is eloquent too. While I understand your feelings (in fact, I remember them well), waving the desperation flag is rarely a good idea. Instead of broadcasting your general availability, how about trying to figure out which boys appeal to you the most? Don't just answer, "The popular ones." 

You'll have a better chance of romance if you like a guy because he's interested in what you're interested in (whether that's emo, your fave new movie, the sinking of the Titanic or the perfect pizza), rather than because he's already been pre-approved by everyone else. Once you do decide which specific guys you'd like to flirt with, get out there and smile and say hi and make eye contact and introduce yourself and give compliments. Picture dogs. Don't we all kind of prefer the tail-wagging sweet ones rather than the jumping, slobbering, scratching kind that sniff where they shouldn't? Bottom line: Be patient, not overeager, and things will work out.
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by Carol Weston | 2/1/2016