
Tell a joker from a gem

How can I tell if a guy is joking when he asks me out?

HIS ANSWER: "It can be hard to tell," says Brent, 15. "It depends on the guy. Think if he's a player or a nice guy. But most of the time, it's really hard to tell."

DECODED: Guys - can't live with them, can't live without them. When it comes to figuring out if a guy is serious or not, Brent is right on track. You've got to consider your beau's history. If he's a prankster, it's possible he's just pulling your leg. But if he's usually a genuine good guy, his offer is probably the real deal.

While it might be a dream come true when your crush of a bajillion years asks you out, if you're totally shocked that he might notice you of all people, it might be time for a reality check before you celebrate. 

Like it or not, a lot of young boys don't care if their fun comes at your expense. The good guys are out there, but sometimes you have to go through the jokers to find someone sincere and super sweet. Take a deep breath and a moment to think. If it sounds too good to be true, turn the dude down. If he really wants to take you out, he'll pursue you.


by Caitlin Farley and Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016