
I'm fallin' for my BGF

My BGF and I hang out all the time and I feel like I can tell him anything. Lately though, I’ve been feeling like I want to be more than “just friends.”


We joke around a lot and most of the time it ends up having something to do with us going out. Sometimes I think he likes me back but others I feel like all he wants is to be friends and he’s just joking around.

I’m so confused! What should I do?

HIS ANSWER: "Try to spend a little more time with him, maybe even just the two of you, so you can get a better idea of his feelings. If that doesn't work, you can talk to his friends about it to see if they know, or maybe even ask him yourself. A confident girl who isn't afraid to say what she's feeling is rarely a bad thing."

DECODED: If you can’t tell from how he acts when it’s just the two of you, you may have to ask. Don’t be shy!

YOUR MOVE: Invite him over to play some Wii. Just be casual about it and see if sparks fly. If that goes well, tell him you had a good time and would love to hang out again. If he agrees, go to the movies or do something else a little less buddy-buddy.


by Maddie Brown | 2/1/2016