
When to move on from your crush

I told my crush that I liked him and he told me that he didn’t like me. Should I keep trying or just move on?

HIS ANSWER: Willi, 15, puts it simply: "Move on."

Sydney, 15, says: "I don't think you should keep trying at all, unless he comes around to like you eventually, without any effort from you."

"If he says no, then its no, for now." says Ryan, 15. "Keep him as a friend if possible. While you may not be dating, you don't want to disregard them as a friend. And who knows? Time can be influential."

DECODED: Sorry, sister, but looks like you should take a break from this guy. Guys generally won't say no to a new friend -- especially a fabulous one like you! Make it clear that you're not into him anymore, and that you'd rather be just friends. There are plenty of other guys out there -- and maybe, through any awesome friendship, your guy could come around. If not, you're too awesome to lose any sleep over it.


by Andi Cwieka | 2/1/2016