
Does it matter to guys that I'm different?

I am deaf, but it feels like none of the boys like me. I can't hear them perfectly, but I can hear little. It makes me sad how I've never had any guy who likes me.

Hey hun! It might be tough at times being different, but never let that define who you are. Besides, who fits the "normal and perfect" mold anyway? We both know that there's so much more to you than your hearing problem, so let's make sure those guys know that, too.

Got a cutie (or two) who takes your fancy? Get your flirt on and you'll have them thinking of you in no time. Show them that you're a real treat and even better, show them that you like them. And you never know. Someone might even be crushing on you now.

If there is a guy who does think of you differently because of that one minor detail, forget about that shallow jerk and remember that you will find that someone who adores you for how great you are. Any boy would be lucky to have your attention, sweetie, and don't ever forget that.

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by Jordan Sarnovsky and Karmen Fox | 2/1/2016