
"I think my crush thinks I'm annoying"

My crush thinks I’m annoying. Should I make a move or move on?

Did he tell you that he thinks you’re annoying? If he did, ouch. Are you sure you want to be with someone who says blunt, unkind things like that? Of course, there’s also the very slight possibility that he said you were annoying because he does like you – the way that you would tease someone so they won’t know you’ve got a crush. But if it seemed like he said that in a mean way, not a playful one, he isn't worth your time.

If he didn’t say that, but he’s giving you the impression that you’re bothering him, why not give him some space? That way, if he does like you, he’ll realize that he misses your company and wants to spend more time with you.

And if he doesn’t come back and want to hang out again after you’ve spent some time apart, well, you may want to consider some other options. You’re still young, so don’t sweat it if one guy isn’t into you, because there will be tons of others to come your way! It’s his loss, and it’s not your fault if he doesn’t see how amazing you are.

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by Meghan DeMaria | 2/1/2016