
Why can't I get a guy?

Why don't guys ask me out? I play tons of sports, am in the Gifted and talented program, and I've been told I'm pretty and funny, but I still don't get the guy! Could the problem be that my mom is a teacher in my school? Could they be intimidated? Help! I'm desperate!


His Answer: “Sometimes guys get intimidated by girls who have better grades and are more athletic than they are,” says Tim, 14, “it’s a kind of a guy thing.”


Decoded: Just because you are smart and athletic doesn’t make guys not like you. It just makes them a bit intimidated by your awesomeness!


Your Move: Being super athletic and smart is nothing to be ashamed of though! If a guy can’t handle who you are as a person, then he is not worth dating because he will constantly bring you down. Wait to find a boy who can accept you for you, and not be intimidated by your talents. One will come along one day soon. And if not, being boyfriendless in middle or high school is not the end of the world. Embrace your freedom! 


by Ana D’Ambrogi | 2/1/2016