
Should you take a chance on a reformed bully?

There's this guy in my youth group, and he used to be mean to me. He would call me names and be really rude. Then he stopped, and he even apologized! I had no idea what was going on, but now he hangs around me all the time, and we always end up talking. Does he like me?


His Answer: “He probably likes you and was trying to get your attention in an immature way,” says Lewis, 15. “Now he's trying to be more mature by talking to you all the time.”
Decoded: Boys aren’t always sure how to get us girls to notice them. They often end up being mean in their attempts to get attention. Eventually, they realize actually talking to us is a better move. Most guys wouldn’t put in this much effort if they didn’t have some feelings for you.
Your Move: It’s good that he apologized – otherwise we’d tell you move on... fast! Being a jerk is not a way to get a girl. If he seems like he’s truly making an effort to mend the past, give him a chance. He was probably just nervous about approaching you.

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by Marisa Dunn | 2/1/2016