Eat Right

The BEST Trick for Eating Right

Wanna makeover your diet and feel amazing? The truth is, it’s a lot easier than you think. It’s all about eating mindfully. That means taking a second to truly contemplate your choices at every meal and snack.
Lotsa times it’s easy for girls to get into the habit of grabbing a cookie from the cupboard or noshing on chips at lunch. But if you’re eating junk food all the time, it’s not really a treat anymore. It’s just a less-than-healthy way to dine. Making smart decisions now will have major benefits in the long run.

If you wanna eat better, take a moment to breath and ponder whether you are really craving pizza (or need seconds) or if you are simply bored or nervous. Most of the time, you’ll end up making a better decision (having, say, one slice of pizza and a salad instead of two slices of meat lover’s).
It’s A-OK to eat the not-so-healthy stuff from time-to-time but if you’re contemplating your choices, you might remember that you had a not-that-nutritious lunch and make up for it by getting a double dose of veggies at din. Easy, right?


by GL | 2/1/2016