Eat Right

Sneaky ways to squeeze in the healthy stuff

You know you should be eating healthier, but you just can’t seem to ditch the sugary cereal for a heaping pile of oatmeal in the morning.  By dinner, your healthy eating plan has gone out the window when the fam orders pizza and you are feelin’ a little guilty.  If only there were ways to get yourself to eat a little healthier without having to give up all the stuff you actually like.  Well, it’s GL to the rescue, and we’re here with some tricks that will help you mix some good stuff back into your diet. 


A little bit of spinach goes a long way.

A handful of spinach has tons of good stuff for you, like iron and vitamin K, and it’s great to toss into almost anything.  If you’re fam is chowing down on spaghetti and meatballs, you can hide the spinach in the sauce or even chop it up and add it to your meatballs.  If you love BLTs or always put lettuce on your sandwich, ditch the Iceberg and try substituting it with this darker, leafy green. 


Spice up your water

Even though you’re supposed to drink eight glasses of the pure stuff a day, actually refilling your cup that much seems like a chore.  Try adding fruit (like strawberries) or veggies (like cucumber slices) to your water.  The healthy stuff will give the water a little flavor and after you finish a glass, you can eat the goodies when you get to the bottom of the glass.  Bonus!


Pack your lunch

Even if you’re chillin’ at home on the weekend, you should plan out your lunch before you start getting hungry.  Once you’re starving, you’re way more likely to reach for the quick stuff, which usually isn’t all that good for you.  Try packing a lunch after breakfast, when you’re full.  That way, you can make decisions your brain likes instead of letting your stomach rule the world. 


Make your own dips!

Ranch dip goes great with everything (even veggies!), but all those dips add up to a ton of calories that don’t always fill you up.  Instead of buying the pre-made stuff in the store, mix up your own with low fat plain yogurt.  It still tastes amazing, but you’ll be getting protein from the yogurt and cutting out tons of fat.  Try the same thing with your other fave dips: salsa is 10 times better fresh and guacamole is super easy to make on your own. 


Eat your veggies first

That lasagna your mom made smells delicious, and you just can’t wait to dive in.  Wait! First, tackle the pile of green beans on your plate before hitting the protein and starch.  The fiber from the veggies will fill you up (and keep you full) more than the lasagna.  You’ll still get to chow down on the cheesy goodness, but you won’t eat as much of it, which means leftovers for lunch tomorrow!



by Kate Geraghty | 2/1/2016