
6 ways to keep cool you haven't thought of yet

The heat is on for this summer, but ya can’t spend every day up to your eyes in the pool. So how are you gonna keep yourself from sweatin’ up a storm? Try these six ways to chill out when the heat gets to be a li’l much.


Watery munchies

Fruits and veggies that have lots of water in ‘em will keep ya hydrated and thin your blood to cool you down. So next time you’re huntin’ through the kitchen for a snack, skip the chips and go for some watermelon or cucumber slices.


Lay low

You’ve heard that heat rises, right? Well it’s true! That doesn’t mean you’ve gotta army-crawl around your house, but hang out on the first floor or in the basement as much as ya can during the day.


Freshen up with some mint

Menthol cools ya down, so grab a stick of mint gum for an icy blast. You can even use lotion or hand soap with mint in order to get a chilling effect on your skin, too.


Cold as ice

Pull out a tray of ice cubes and focus on your pulse points, which will carry a chill throughout your bod with their great circulation. Put an ice cube on a place where you can feel your pulse, like your wrist or the inside of your elbow, for about a minute. Then take it off, and wait a minute before putting it on again. You can get a new ice cube if ya melt that one down, so just keep applying them on and off ‘til ya feel refreshed.


One treat that’s not-so-sweet

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream during the summer. But the hard truth is that it’s not actually the best way to cool down. 15-20 minutes after you finish your chocolate cone, your bod is gonna start digesting it, which will actually raise your temperature. Instead, go for something that’s a li’l more water-based and easier to digest, like a freeze pop.


Pour on the heat

It may not make sense, but if you can stand to chow down on some hot peppers, it’ll actually make you feel cooler. The chemical capsaicin that’s in ‘em will make you sweat without hiking up your temperature. Then when the sweat evaporates, you won’t feel like the heat is suffocating you.


So chickies, how do you stay cool without getting soaked in the summer?

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by Carrie Ruppert | 2/1/2016