
It's not too late! 4 reasons to get moving right now

When should you start that healthy lifestyle boost you’ve been planning? Now! And we really mean it- summer is stuffed with special ways to get active while having a blast. Here’s why there’s no better time than right now:

Warm weather

Winter blues can keep ya down, but the sunny season gives you the perf excuse to take a stroll, dust off your bike, and hit up the pool. Gorgeous summer weather will make exercising way more comfy and fun- plus it’ll even make you want to work out!

Free time

No more excuses- you’ve got plenty of time this break to get moving. With the work and stress of the school year out the way, you can use your time to its full potential by scheduling workouts as often as you want.

Fun-in-the-sun workouts

There are tons of special summer activities that are super fun and get you in shape. So get out there and take advantage of stuff like the pool and the park for a sunny sweat-sesh.

A time for transformation

Taking some time away from school pals gives you the perfect chance to surprise everyone with the new-and-improved you. Set a fitness goal for yourself and make a plan to make sure you get there. When fall rolls around, you’ll be psyched for your first-day reveal!

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by GL | 2/1/2016