
4 easy moves for amazing arms

The days are getting longer and warmer and tank-top season is right around the corner. Check out this rockin’ workout to tone up those arms and have you lookin’ fab in your end-of-year snaps. Repeat each move 12 times and go through the circuit three times.
Football Push-up
Use chalk or a piece of string to make a line five feet long on the ground. Start in a push-up position (or go onto your knees if this is too tough), with your nose, waist, and feet over the line and your hands slightly wider then shoulder-width apart. Bend elbows and lower to ground. Push yourself up. Walk hands to one side of the line. Repeat push-up, than walk hands to starting position. Alternate sides.
Tricep Dip
Sit on the floor. Place palms directly under your shoulders with feet on the floor. Raise your butt off the ground until you are in the table-top position. Bend your elbows to lower down until your butt almost touches the ground. Straighten back up and repeat. Be sure that you aren’t raising your shoulders: only engage those triceps!
Arm Rotations
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend arms straight out to side with palms facing down. Rotate palms up and down quickly while bringing your arms in front of your body and then back out to the start.
Lateral & Front Raises
Stand with feet at hip-width, holding 3-pound weights. Keep arms straight and raise them to the side, stopping at shoulder height. Return to starting position. Raise weights in front of you, stopping at shoulder height.


by Bridget Runge | 2/1/2016