
5 ways to shake up your ab routine

Let’s be honest: Crunches are boring and rarely lead to results. That said, we’ve got five moves that will tighten your middle and are fun. Grab a bud and get ready to crank your core work.

1. Planks with a twist
Start in a push-up position. Tighten your abs. Keeping your middle contracted, bend your left knee in toward your belly button. Hold for one breath. Return to start. Repeat on the other side. Continue for one minute.

2. Partner sit-ups
You’re gonna need a partner and a 8-pound medicine ball for this. Sit across from you bud, with your knees bent and toes touching. One girl should hold the medicine ball and do a sit-up. When she gets back to the top, she should toss the ball to her bud. Repeat back and forth for 20 reps each.

3. Medicine ball pass
Stand back to back with your bud. One girl should start with the ball and twist her torso to pass it to her partner. Keep passing it back and forth (alternate directions to keep it interesting) for 20 reps.

4. Shoulder stand
Start laying on the your back. Place your hands palm side down under your lower back. Using your abs, lift your whole body up until you are perpendicular to the floor and your weight is resting your shoulders. Note: DO NOT put pressure on your neck. It’s easiest if you start by lifting your legs up, then your butt and then, finally, your torso.

5. V-ups
Start on your back with your legs straight out and your arms over your head. At the same moment, lift your arms and legs up until your body forms a “V” shape. Keep your legs straight! Slowly lower back to start. Repeat 20 times.


by GL | 2/1/2016