
5 speedy moves for a bikini bod!

Anxious about your upcoming trip to the beach? Don’t be! Just practice these toning exercises and you’ll be ready for the beach’s sun and hotties with a confident mindset and a totally toned body.

The Side Step-Up
Start: Stand to the right side of an exercise step bench. Place your right good on the step, toe pointing forward.
Finish: Step sideways onto step, squeezing your buttocks and pressing your body weight into your right foot. Lift the left leg off the floor and to your left side as high as you comfortably can without your body tilting. Step down with your left foot first, ten right. Repeat 15 times slowly on each side. 
The Back Lunge
Start: Standing tall with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointing forward, hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging at sides and abs contracted.
Finish: Step as far back as you comfortably can with your left foot, bending both knees so right knee aligns over right ankle and left knee lowers toward the floor without touching it. Keep your left heel lifted. Return to standing position by squeezing your butt and pushing off left foot. Repeat, lunging back on the same left 15 times slowly, then switch sides. 

The Squat
Start: Hold a dumbbell on each shoulder, elbows pointing down. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your abs tight.
Finish: Balance most of your weight on your heels, then bend your knees and bring hips toward te floor while pushing your butt back. Bend your knees to about a 90-degree angle, but avoid pushing your knees forward past your toes or dropping your hips below your knees. Keep your back and chest lifted so that you are leaning at a diagonal, not in a horizontal, flat-back position. Squeeze your butt muscles to stand back up. Lower and repeat 15 times slowly. 
The Inner-Thigh Drop
Start: Lie on your back, and extend your legs straight in the air. Position your feet over the hips, and keep knees and ankles together. Contract your abs, and relax your arms by your sides.
Finish: Lower your left leg out to the side, keeping it straight. Go as low as you comfortably can while keeping your torso stable. If you feel any strain on your back, raise the open leg higher. Use your inner thigh muscles to bring the leg back up. Perform 10 times slowly, then switch legs. 

The One-Arm Row
Start: Stand about three feet from the back of a study chair, your left foot in front of your right. Place your right hand on the chair for support and hold a dumbbell in your left hand with your arm hanging by your side, palm facing in. Bend both knees slightly and lean forward, keeping your back straight.
Finish: Squeeze shoulder blades together, then keeping your left arm close to your torso, lift the weight slightly behind your waist. Draw your left shoulder blade toward the middle back as you lift. Lower your arm, and repeat 12 times slowly. Switch arms.
The Arm-and-Leg Extension
Start: Lie face-down on the floor with both arms extended in front of you, palms facing down. Contract your abdominals to stabilize your hips. Keep head and neck aligned with your spine by resting your forehead on the floor.
Finish: Lift your right arm and left leg 2 to 3 inches off the floor. Keeping your head low, lengthen your arm and leg by pushing them away from your body as you lift. Hold for a second, then lower and repeat 15 times. Switch sides.


by GL | 2/1/2016