
Partner up for a fab ab workout

Wishing for some rock-hard abs for bikini season? These exercises will help you and your BFF get toned in no time.
What You’ll Need:
- a partner
- 2 medicine balls (start with 10 or 15 pounds)
- 2 exercise mats
Sit-up Toss
Lay on your mat with you knees bent and your back flat on the ground. Have you partner sit opposite you, toes touching. Using one medicine ball, lean back and extend your arms (keep them nice ‘n’ straight!) and perform a sit-up. Once you reach an upright position, toss the ball to your bud (who should also be sitting). Have her do the same thing and repeat 20 times.
Medicine Ball Twist
Sit opposite your partner with your toes touching and knees bent. Lift your feet 6 inches off the ground, making sure to keep your core tight. With one medicine ball twist your torso to touch the right side, and then the left. When you get back to center, quickly toss the ball to your partner and have her do the same. Do 10 reps to feel the burn.
Partner Twists
Stand back-to-back with your partner. Start with the medicine ball in both of your hands. Twist from your core and pass the ball to your partner. She should twist around the to the other side and pass it back to you. Continue for one minute.
Crunch Up
If you can’t find a partner, this is an exercise you can do by yourself. Grab a medicine ball and with your knees bent lift your arms above your head. Lay back and perform a crunch, reaching the medicine ball straight up as high into the air as possible. Do 25 reps and you’ll be on your way to amazing abs.


by Katie Baker and Erin Goldstrom | 2/1/2016