
The only move you need for show-em-off shoulders

Ever seen celebs walking the red carpet in back-baring dresses and totally wished your shoulders were half as hot as theirs? Stop wishing and start adding this move to your workout routine. You can even do it during a commercial break! Just a couple of weeks of rocking this baby and you’ll have racerback-ready shoulders—and better posture, too.


The arm-and-leg extension


Start: Lie facedown on the floor with both arms extended in front of you, palms facing down. Contract your abdominals to stabilize your hips. Keep head and neck aligned with your spine by resting your forehead on the floor.


Finish: Lift your right arm and left leg 2 to 3 inches off the floor. Keeping your head low, lengthen your arm and leg by pushing them away from your body as you lift. Hold for a second, then lower and repeat 15 times. Switch sides.


by Martica Heaner | 2/1/2016