
Get in swimsuit shape with your bestie this summer

Buddy up! Working out with a bud boosts the fun factor. Here, Tone It Up! trainers and besties Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson share a circuit perfect for partners. Grab your bestie, girlie, and get ready to get fit--fast!
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    Hip Lifts

    Lay on your back with your knees bent, feet planted on the ground and arms by your side. Have your friend stand over you. Lift one leg in the air, then use your abs and arms to lift your hips and butt off the ground, while your friend applies slight pressure on your foot. Alternate legs and repeat 20 times. Switch positions.

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    Belly Buster

    Lay on the ground with your friend, feet near each other’s shoulders and arms out to the side. Use your abs to lift your legs to a 90-degree angle (you will both look like “L” shapes). Slowly lower your legs halfway down and return to start. Next, use your abs to lift your butt off the ground and move it a few inches to one side. Lower down and repeat 20 to 30 times.

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    Side Lunge for Two

    Stand facing your partner, each with your feet together, arms extended and holding hands. Both of you should lunge to the same side, keeping your knee over your ankle and the opposite leg straight. Remember: Avoid locking your straight-leg knee or risk injury. Tighten your abs, and push yourself back to start. Repeat 20 to 30 reps on each side. Bonus points if you can do ’em all without LOL-ing.

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    High-Five Plank

    Start in a pushup position. Tighten your abs and high five your partner, slapping opposite hands to make it a li’l more challenging. Don’t forget to breathe (it happens!) and keep your body stiff as a board. Alternate between hands and repeat 10 times. If you and your girl are way sporty, you can repeat up to 30 times for a serious ab blast. Hello, new goal.

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    Lean on Me Pushups

    Kneel on the ground, keeping your knees about shoulder-width apart. Have your friend stand behind you and hold your ankles. Contract your abs and slowly lean forward, gently falling into a pushup position. Lower down into the pushup. Explode up, using your arms and glutes to get you back to start. Repeat 10 to 20 times and then switch positions.


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    Link Leg Sit-Ups

    Sit across from your partner with your legs interlocked (one set of legs will be on top and the other should be underneath, using your feet to “lock” the position). Lie on your backs. With your arms behind your head, use your abs to rotate left and right while rising up to a seated position. At the top, clap hands with your partner and twist back to start. Repeat 15 times (going both left and right).


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by Katie Abbondanza | 2/1/2016