Your Bod

Help me ditch the tears

My eyes water really easily. I am not emotional usually, but when I’m excited or angry my eyes water. They even water just when I'm walking across the hall! What's happening and how can I make my embarrassing tears gone?

Our eyes create tears largely as a protection mechanism. According to, there are three types of tears. Basal tears protect the eye and keep it moist. Reflex tears flush our eyes with water a gnat flies in or a breeze smacks ya in the face flushes out foreign objects and dust. And then there are emotional tears…

Emotional tears are thought to be an evolutionary means of communication that allow other humans to know when we are upset or hurt without informing predators. Studies have shown that these tears contain chemicals that soothe the body during times of high stress. The tears you create when you’re excites and angry are likely a hormonal and instinctual response your body has to certain situations that can cause stress, including things that make you angry or excited. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do but learn to love your bod’s quirks.

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016