Your Bod

I bite my cuticles 'til they bleed. How can I stop?

I bite my cuticles, to the point where they bleed and hurt so bad. I try not to bite them, but it doesn’t work. How can I stop this habit?

Up to 48 percent of people bite their nails or cuticles, says Dr. Jamie Feusner, a psychiatrist at UCLA. And, like you, many biters often feel like they have no control over this compulsion, which is why it's crucial to get to the root of this prob with a doc. Maybe you’re taking your stress out on those jagged cuticles. Maybe it’s just a nervous tick. Either way, talking to an expert can help—and will also rule out other potential causes of your chomping habit, like obsessive-compulsive disorder, an anxiety disorder, or depression. You can tackle this!

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by Cait Rohan | 2/1/2016