Your Bod

Do you look like your name? Science says yes


Maybe the first time you met your bestie you thought, "Wow she really doesn't look like a Mia." Or you were shocked when you found out that cute boy's name was Arnold and not Sean. It turns out our belief that certain names fit certain people better is true—and science proves it.

A recent study by the Harvard Business Review found that when given pictures and asked to match names to faces, people were much more successful than just random luck. Basically, when asked to match one of four names to a face, a person should have a 20-25 percent chance of getting it right—but the researchers discovered people were guessing the right name close to 40 percent of the time. Whoa.

How does it work? One of the scientists believes it is based on our subconscious desire to fit in. Every name has a stereotypical "look" or vibe and, whether you know it or not, chances are you alter your appearance or behavior to fit that role. She says, for example, "People presumably share a stereotype of what a Scott looks like—even though they can’t draw a Scott—and Scotts want to fit that stereotype. You probably are doing something but just don’t realize it."

So the next time your mom's friend tells you how much you look like a Caroline, you can tell her there is a scientific reason for that. That's such a Caroline thing to do, after all (wink).  

What's your name? Do you think you "look" like your name? Share below! 

Photo credit: Instagram.

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by Amanda Tarlton | 8/24/2017