Eat Right

Quitting My Soda Habit!

Recently, My mom and I both decided to give up one thing that we thought we couldn't live without: soda!

My cold, decadent pack of Coke and Sprite was all I'd need to survive and now I was about to give it up for as long as possible. I was stuck in my monotonous routine of drinking soda at least three times a day. I never knew how hard, yet life-changing this decision to give it up would be.

It was days after I had given up my number one guilty pleasure and I had already felt my body reacting to the change. I began to get headaches, body aches, anxiety and was feeling pretty cranky. I couldn't figure out why my body was breaking down; but my mom brought to my attention that I could've built up a caffeine dependency. Ugh.

I realized that one of the reasons I had drank soda so much was because it was always around. I could count on opening the refrigerator door and spotting at least one ice-cold can that would call my name.

I asked my mom to stop buying sodas. Without the temptation of sneaking in the fridge, it'd make the experience that much easier. Instead, she began to buy my favorite juices; pineapple, grapefruit and cran-grape. Slowly but surely I stopped having headaches as often, drank less juice and began to drink more water. I realized I felt sluggish because I was dehydrated.

Soon, I started to see the serious effects soda has had on my health (my skin cleared up when I drank more water) and thought I owed my body the respect to help it function properly. If you’re a soda addict, I would truly encourage this process.

At first, this was a test to see if I could get rid of something I loved dearly, but now, it’s something I strive toward all the time.


by Clarke Lyons | 2/1/2016