Your Bod

I have very fair skin, and I look like a ghost!

Is there any way to get a healthy tan without using self-tanners?

For starters, “healthy” and “tan” do not belong in the same sentence—no matter what your competition.

“Getting a tan is harmful, even to those with dark skin,” explains Dr. Alan King, a New York City dermatologist. The sun’s rays, especially the ones you soak up as a kid, can cause wrinkles and deadly skin cancers when you are older. A tanning bed is even worse! So give up the quest for a tan.

When you go out in the sun, protect your gorgeous fair skin with a 30 SPF sunscreen. If you feel you must get more bronzed, self-tanners are the only safe way.

In the meantime, embrace you beauty. Some of the most beautiful celebs—Taylor Swift, Kirsten Stewart, Scarlett Johansson—are fair-skinned and tan-free.

We want to hear from you! Send us your weirdest body questions here (seriously, we'll answer anything!) and it just might get featured.


2/19/2010 10:45:00 AM