Dear Carol

I love my BFF, but she never wants to do anything!

Whenever my best friend comes over, she doesn’t like doing anything. I like her, but I’m always bored.

Dear Bored Bud,

Make a list of stuff you like to do—alone and with other friends. Get creative, adding everything from playing Scrabble by the fireplace to making peanut butter brownies. Instead of asking, “What do you want to do?” and getting a shoulder shrug, throw out some suggestions. Or list your top-three faves and pick together.

Maybe she just hates making decisions or being put on the spot. If you make it easy for her, she might jump right in. If she isn’t the least bit interested in your ideas and doesn’t offer her own, it doesn’t mean she’s a bad friend. But, you also don’t have to invite a wet blanket over when you’re looking for some fun over winter break. Maybe she’s a good lunch buddy or phone pal. Surely, you have other friends who’d love to come over and hang out.
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by Dear Carol | 2/1/2016