
How to let a friendship go

Letting go of a friend is one of the hardest things you can do, but if the constant bickering and miscommunication is draining your energy, it may be necessary. Whether you haven't seen the red flags or you are still holding out for reconciliation, it can be hard to know what to do. If you are still trying to figure out where your friendship stands, take a look at these situations that show it is time to pull the plug.

Your friend becomes jealous of you

Your "friend" is always belittling your hobbies, morals and accomplishments instead of lifting you up. When you share positive news they have to one-up you, making everything a competition. Start to establish healthy boundaries and limit your interactions with this person until they are able to let go of their envy.

The friendship becomes one-sided

Do you make all of the plans? Initiate all of the conversations? Solve all of the drama? If so, your friendship may be more like a job than a fulfilling relationship. Sure, you may enjoy their company, but if they aren't reciprocating your effort, you probably deserve a better friend. Reach out to your this person and let them know how you feel, but if they blow you off, it is probably time to let that friendship go.

They ditch you for another friend group 

There is nothing wrong with your friend hanging out with other people, but if your friend constantly ditches you for another group it may cause a strain in the relationship. This case is one of the most difficult because you might find yourself looking for answers as to why you are not being included. Your feelings are valid, but remember that you are good enough. If that person was a true friend they would invite you to hang out with them and accept you for who you are. In the meantime, build up a stronger bond with your other friends or acquantances who you enjoy being around.

You have trouble being yourself

It is human nature for people to behave differently in varying social situations, but if you feel like you have to change who you are to fit in with your friend, it might be time to move on to something new. A true friend will encourage you to be your authentic self, not make you feel the need to hide the attributes that make you, well, you.

Re-thinking if the friendship is genuine 

Does this relationship feel more like a friendship or a transaction? Transactional friendships happen when someone befriends you based on what you can do for them. Your friendship might be transactional if your friend repeatedly asks to borrow your stuff, keeps tabs on favors you owe them or only takes interest in the most *exciting* parts of your life. If your bestie is constantly checking these boxes, it might be time to make some new connections.

If you decide to let go of a toxic relationship be sure to check out this GL article that will help guide you through this hard process. Do not worry, you will get through this! 

Are you going through a tough friendship breakup right now? How did you deal with it? Let us know @girlslifemag. 


by Claire Hutto and Chaela Williams | 12/7/2020