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The ultimate babysitter's checklist

At first, babysitting sounds like it could be a super easy, get-rich-quick task. Playing with little kids and getting paid to do so? Yes please. Everything seems to be going pretty well up until the parents leave...cue the tears, the tantrums and the "but mommy said I could" excuses.

The excitement is wearing off and the nerves are setting in. What happens if the kids get sick or don't behave? How can you keep them entertained? And how are you going to get crayon off the wall? Over the years, we've had tons of babysitting experience and found that preparation is key. So, we're Introducing you to your babysitting savior: a one-stop checklist every super sitter needs before heading out for their first job (you can thank us after the kids are safely tucked in bed!).

The stuff every super sitter needs

Before you even think about leaving your house and venturing in to the world of child care you need to be stocked up on the right items. Make sure you double check your bag is filled with these necessities to guarantee that your first gig is a total success:

  • A charged up cell:

Always arrive to your gig with a fully charged cell and have your phone handy to make a call in case of an emergency. Sometimes the rents' like to check-in on how things are going so be prepared to answer and give updates. If you know your battery won’t last the night, be sure to pack a charger in your purse (that way when the kids are asleep, you can kill some time playing your fave iPhone game!)

  • A quick snack:

Nothing is worse than a growling stomach. That's why we are all about packing your favorite snack or something like an apple or granola bar that will give you a boost of energy - just when you need it!

  • A good book:

Parents won’t be home until long after the kiddos are tucked in bed? Bring a good book you've been meaning to read. This will help pass the time that way you don’t end up sitting on the couch watching the clock.

  • A game or craft:

If you have a fave game to play or craft to make, bring it with you! It’ll keep things interesting and gives a perfect excuse for bonding time between you and the kids. Just try and stray away from anything too competitive (a sibling screaming match between a five-year-old and seven-year-old is no fun).

The must-have info cheat sheet

When you first arrive at the house, there's going to be a ton of information about the kids that you'll need to get. From what they can (and can't) eat to their bedtime routine, every little detail matters. Pay attention and if you have any questions, be sure to speak up and ask! Before the parents leave, make sure you know the following:

  • An emergency contact list:

Always have both parents' phone numbers in case of an emergency. If they have a dry erase board on the fridge, write it down so you aren't scrambling for the number when you need it. A family member or neighbor's number might be good idea, too - just in case you need someone near by!


  • Food allergies:

Be sure to verify if there are any food allergies and get familiar with what to do in case of a food allergy related emergency. Food allergies can be really serious so pay close attention to the food you make and check with the parents what the kids can (and can't) eat. 


  • The usual routine:

Each routine is different for every family. From how they have dinner to getting the kids ready for bed, talk to the rents' about what schedule you should follow. You want the kids to stick to their everyday routine so things run smoothly.

And the most important rule of babysitting is to...

Be confident!!

You know what you’re doing so don’t let the unknown scare you! Have fun with the kiddos and be the best babysitter you can be. You’re going to rock this gig and be a total babysitting pro in no time.


by Caitlin Moynihan | 2/1/2016