Can I stop my parents from smoking?

Both of my parents smoke, and I hate it. They both quit last year, but now they started again. My dad has been coughing a lot lately, too.

Every time I talk to them about it they just say they'll quit soon. I am worried they are really endangering themselves!

Hey girl! It’s great of you to recognize how harmful smoking can be for a person’s health. Your dislike of your parents smoking will hopefully keep you from lighting up when you get older. For now, let's think of ways you can avoid secondhand smoke AND maybe get you 'rents to call it quits

Get the facts

Look up all the effects of smoking, both for a smoker and a person inhaling secondhand smoke. Print them up and show 'em to your parents. Maybe if they see how much you care and that you're doing research, they'll think before they light up again. You could also sit them down for a chat or write a note about how much you love/care about them, and how much you hate smoking.

Just say no...

If you've tried and your parents are still puffing away, refuse to be around them when they're smoking. Tell them you don’t like the smell and don’t like walking around school or to your friends' houses smelling like cigarettes. The only way they are going to realize how much their smoking is affecting you is if you show it, too. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.

You have to remember that your parents probably know how bad smoking is for them, but they obviously are ignoring those facts for themselves. In the end it's their decision, and there's only so much you can do to influence them. If you can't reach out to them, talk to a fam member or a guidance counselor. If they see how their smoking is affecting you, then they might realize they need to quit for good.


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3/27/2010 7:00:00 AM