Happy Earth Day!

Hey green gals, this Earth Day marks its 40th anniversary! What are YOU doing to give back to Mama Earth?
Calling all GL chicas to make a difference this year. It can be as big as starting a recycling program in your school, or as simple as turning off the lights in your house when you leave a room. Whether you want to save the polar bears or help clean up the waterways, share your green goals with us!
Do you recycle plastics, bottles, and papers at home?
What are you doing to help save the earth on Earth Day?
Have you ever participated in a stream clean-up?
What is your big eco-friendly habit?
Does your school have a recycling program?
What is your town doing to honor Earth Day this year?
What is your advice to other gals trying to go green?
Who are your nature-loving idols?
By: Hallie Rybka


4/22/2010 7:00:00 AM