I procrastinate online!

This is going to sound like a dumb problem, but here it is: I'm addicted to the internet. Whenever I'm bored, or more often, avoiding doing something else, I go on the internet and look up random stuff or play stupid games.
I do this a lot when I have a project or a report I'm supposed to be typing up. I really can't help it. I'm a huge procrastinator and I really feel like I can't stop myself from using the internet as a way of avoiding what I should be doing. Please help!
Hey girl! In this new technology savvy day and age, I know you aren’t the only one dealing with the internet as a distraction. However, it is important that you don’t let it take over your life and let it interfere with school, friends and family.
Set a timer
Give yourself an hour or two a day on the internet, and that’s it! Have your mom or brother reinforce this time limit, or set a timer for yourself so you know when to get off. Having a visible timer allows you to really see how much time you spend on the internet and gives you more control.
Find some new hobbies
If you find something you really enjoy, you will spend less time on the computer. Do you like riding your bike? What about scrapbooking? Maybe you really like taking pictures. All of these activities are a great way to do something other than surf the web.
Go out with friends
Make sure you aren’t neglecting your friends and fam. Spend time with them rather than playing games on the internet. You will soon realize the more activities you pile into your life, the less you will use the internet and the happier you will be.
Stop procrastinating
I know it can be super hard to focus on that boring history project, but by surfing the web rather than sitting down and focusing on your paper, you make the process much much longer. And in the end, that will leave you more stressed than you need to be. If you really feel the need to get on the internet while working on a project, do it in small increments. Get on for five minutes after you’ve worked on your project for a half an hour, and stick to the five minute rule.
Remember, you shouldn’t let something take over your life and prevent you from succeeding at other things. Life is about balance, so try to find a balance that includes the internet but also includes other fun things as well.
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6/14/2010 12:00:00 AM