Play It Safe

We all had a total scare a couple weeks ago when sailor Abby Sunderland was lost at sea. Her misadventure was a li’l reminder for all of us to be extra-careful in our activities.

Whether you’re hitting the road on your bike or going for a swim at the lake, always take proper precautions to stay safe out there. Here’s a couple more musts for being a cautious chica.

Do a Gear Check
If you’re biking you’re gonna need a helmet. But don’t forget to protect that noggin and wrists if you’re rollerblading or skating, too. If you’re trying an adventure sport, make sure to get advice from a pro before you start.

Don’t Wander Off
If you’re going for a hike, make sure you bring an adult along. Don’t forget your map to stay on course and to bring extra food along with you (and a raincoat!).

Do Stay Hydrate
It’s h-o-t out there. Make sure your water bottle is filled at all times, no matter where you’re headed.

Don’t Swim Alone
Never swim by yourself or somewhere that doesn’t have a lifeguard. Shallow water? Doesn’t matter, girl.

Do Protect Your Skin
Sunscreen is a must. But don’t forget bug spray and to keep your legs covered if you’re gonna be in the woods. Ya don’t want a critter attack—eek!

Don’t Overdo It
When the sun is pounding, sometimes ya gotta take it a little easier. Take breaks and drink water if you’re feeling less-than-awesome.


by Katie Abbondanza | 2/1/2016