How should I sign my V-Day card?

I am giving my crush a nice, but not too mushy, Valentine’s Day card. What’s the best way to sign it? “Love,” seems a little much, and just signing my name seems so boring. Any ideas?


Bill: This calls for the “strike-through.” Sign the card: “Love,” “Be mine,” “Your friend,” “Sincerely,” but strike a line through each one, then just sign your name. That way, you get the message across without really committing. You might complete the joke by crossing out your name, too!


Dave: Such the romantic, that Bill. I sure hope the guy has a good sense of humor when he gets a Valentine his girlfriend refused to sign. I agree that “Love,” is a bit strong, and just about anything else comes across so cheesy. You can always recall a special moment in your relationship by going with something like, “Thinking of that night watching Despicable Me…” Or there’s always the perfectly phrased, “XOXO.”

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by Bill and Dave | 2/1/2016