4 tips for dealing with your period in the great outdoors

I'm going camping for my birthday but I just got my period today! I'm really scared to try a tampon. Do you have any tips on how to make it easier?

What a yucky time to get your period! Not to worry though, babe. Tons of girls and women spend time in the great outdoors when it’s their time of the month. There are just a few precautions to take…

1. Take a lot more pads (or tampons) and panties than you think you’ll need. Running out when you're hiking with the guys and spending the night in a tent is so not fun, trust us.

2. Bring some Ziploc plastic baggies. OK, this is gross, but to prevent animals from sniffing ‘em out and digging through your trash, you’ll want to seal your used feminine products up before you toss them.

3. Wear a watch. Ditch your cell phone for the weekend and strap a watch to your wrist instead. You’ll be able to keep track of how long you’ve been wearing your product of choice and gauge when you might need to change before leaking becomes an issue.

4. Think about trying tampons. Pads are certainly easier, but they can get pretty darn uncomfortable when you need to be active and they’re a no-no when it comes to getting wet. Take a peek at our tampon 101 guide.

Good luck, babe, and happy birthday!


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016