My 'rents won't let me take a date to the dance

I just started high school and everyone is starting to talk about Homecoming. My little sister is obsessed with the idea of me having a date to a dance, so she asked my parents if they would let me go to Homecoming with a boy. They said absolutely not. What if a guy asks me and I have to say no just because of my parents? Also, if my school didn't think 9th graders were old enough to date they wouldn't let us go, right? Please help!
It’s a real bummer when your parents nix something you really want to do, but unfortunately for you girl, you’ve gotta listen to them. Other girls your age might be allowed to bring boys to the dance, but if your parents say no, you’ll have to say no to a boy who asks you.
But don’t assume that your parents wont change their minds! Sit them down one night and nicely ask why they won’t let you go with a date. They may have serious concerns, so try to reach a compromise with them. Maybe they’ll let you go to the dance with a boy if they get to meet him first and if you’ll be home at a reasonable time. If they still say no, don’t whine or be dramatic about it. You have to be mature if you want them to eventually think you’re old enough for a Homecoming date.
If you end up at the dance dateless, don’t let it ruin your night. Wear a great dress and go with some of your other besties who don’t have dates. Dance the night away and chat up some of the boys at the dance who didn’t bring dates. Just because your parents said you couldn’t go with a boy doesn’t mean you can’t talk to guys there. Good luck on having a fab Homecoming babe!

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by Rachel Nugent | 2/1/2016