Gearin' up to chase some rainbows? Prep with this interval workout!

Whether or not you’re running in your town’s St. Patty’s Day race, or actually plan on chasing around mischievous Irish mischief-makers in search of a pot of gold this weekend, it’s time to boost up your cardio.
Interval training is a mixture of fast, high-intensity activity and slower, low intensity recovery times that are sure to get your heart pumping. It burns tons of calories and has been proven to improve your endurance even more than just straight out running. Not to mention you only need half the time as you would if you were just planning on jogging. And we could all use a little extra time to, I don’t know, study, hang out with friends, sleep? So bring your watch next time you go for a run and try out this basic interval workout:

1 minute walk

1 minute hard sprint

2 minute light jog

Repeat 4 times

Don’t be afraid to alter the time to fit your body. As it gets easier, increase the time of the fast sprint and reduce the time for the recovery time (walk) for a tougher workout.


by Hannah Hicklen | 2/1/2016