Don't call me 'skinny'

There’s nothing I love more than positive body image. Beauty coming in all shapes and sizes? Totally about that. 

But somehow, during my quest to jump on the girl power bandwagon that accepts all body types as ‘normal,’ I realized I’m, well, not a normal girl.

I am… the 'skinny' girl. I am the girl that all these campaigns that feature “real” women are speaking out against, the one who has ribs that show, a thigh gap and collarbones that sometimes protrude a little too much.

Somewhere along the journey from fat shamming to ‘real women’ campaigns, society has turned the tables on the skinny girls. Expressions like “real women have curves” have become the new norm.

Instead of promoting the acceptance and diversity of body types that initially kicked off the positive body image movement sweeping through the media, it’s now cut out an entire demographic.

Calling a girl fat is obvs not OK and can even be considered bullying, but in the process of speaking out against discriminating due to weight, suddenly it’s the skinny girls that are feeling the pressure.

While some people would consider being called ‘skinny’ a compliment, I don’t. “Wow, you are so skinny” is not said in a positive way and, honestly, to my ears sounds more like “what are you doing to yourself?!”

“She looks anorexic,” certainly isn’t a compliment and is totally insensitive, especially to a girl who eats plenty and just can’t put on any weight. I don’t have an eating disorder, thankyouverymuch, this is just how I am built, skin stretched thin across my bones.

So, while there’s a long overdue shift on the standards of beauty underway, don’t leave us skinny girls in the dust. Let us in on all the “love yourself and your body” glory. Don’t push off the insecurities on us, don’t make us feel like our bodies are ‘bad’ and please don’t call us ‘too skinny.'

Let us all be beautiful. And in the meantime? The only time I want to hear “eat a burger” is during a cookout. And I’ll take two, please.


by Kate Radin | 2/1/2016