So, you wanna be team captain this year? Learn how to nab that top spot!


You've made the team and have a gauranteed spot with your squad...but this season, you want more!

Let's face it, from the first day as a freshie to the end of junior year, every player dreams to be chosen as team captain. And while we know being head honcho is a lot of hard work, it’s SO worth every bead of sweat and tears. So, if you want to be a leader of the pack this year but aren't sure how to prove your captain worth, use some of these tips to finally nab that top spot and lead your girls to victory! 

Lead the Way

Warm up runs are the perfect opportunity to show off your stellar leadership skills. Skip to the front and set the standard. Encourage the babes in the back to keep moving, but make sure you don’t go from potential team captain to full-on drill sergeant. Knowing when to chill out and call for breaks is vital... After all, health is always number one! 

Stay True

People say that your integrity depends on what you do behind closed doors. In other words: it’s easy to do the right thing when everyone is watching. To make yourself a good captain for candidate for captainship, show the team (and yourself) that you’re a total superstar on and off the field. Do some charity work during your free time or help a friend off the court. 

Embrace your sisterhood

Egos are often an issue in most sports and pride can be a huge downfall. If you wanna be team captain, keep in mind that it isn’t all about you. Invest time in getting to know your teammates and coaches. Memorize everyone’s names and get to know each individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Don't forget to take the initiative to set up team bonding events like end-of-summer-sleepovers or bowling nights. The best captains are the ones who can bring everyone together and build everyone up. 

Lift Spirits

Pre-game and half time huddles are key. When you’re out scrimmaging this summer, come ready to offer every ounce of inspiration you’ve got and get your girls hyped! As top dog, you’ve gotta be able to motivate your team— even when the game isn’t going your way. With that being said, adopt an optimistic attitude at all times. A captain is always her own team’s biggest cheerleader. 

Got any secrets for scoring team captain votes? Tell us in the comments below!


by Laurise McMillian | 2/1/2016