"Wind"-- An original poem


By: Nicole D.


Have you ever thought of life as a giant lake of water?
Bigger than any ocean,
More powerful than all the Earth.

Every person is a different wave,
Every shore is a new place,
Every creature a new adventure.

Sometimes the waves move together,
Sometimes they move apart,
Sometimes they go in circles, attaching and detaching to and from different waves.

But when rolling alone,
Trying to power themselves,
The waves can’t move far, they can’t face new journeys and take on new challenges.

The wind is what moves them,
It’s what keeps them going,
It’s what powers them and pushes them, over and over.

I am one of those waves,
And He is my wind.
He is what keeps me going,
Over and over again.

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by GL Reader | 2/1/2016