To Like...Or NOT To Like?

I've known one of my guy friends since seventh grade and I can't tell if I have feelings for him or not. We talk about everything and anything and get along great! 

My BFF says that I totally do like him and just won't admit to it, but I honestly don't know. He isn't a bad looking guy, but I don't drool over him whenever I see him. I think about him sometimes to see if I really do like him but I can never tell. He has a girlfriend and that doesn't bother me, which makes me think that I don't like him, but sometimes I still wish he was single. 

Is there anything I can do to help myself figure out if I like him or not?

-Confusing Friendship

To like or not to like. That is the question. Some people don't believe a guy and a girl can be friends without one of them eventually falling for the other. If you think about your guy friend all the time, daydream about what it would be like to go out with him and have your wedding date already picked out, then chances are that you like him a lot!

But if you just enjoy hanging out with him as a friend and the thought of kissing him grosses you out, then you're probably not into him romantically. Either way, he has a girlfriend. So even if you feel as though you really do like him, you should probably keep it to yourself for now.

At some point in her life, I feel as though every girl has fallen for one of her guy friends. I know I have! But you also have to think about what's more important to you: your friendship with this guy or a possible relationship. Just because you're good friends doesn't mean you'd be a great couple. It's okay to not like him like that and it's fine if you like him, too. But right now he's involved with someone else, so the most important thing is that you¹re there for him as a friend. 

So, for now scope out other SINGLE sweeties. But keep up your friendship with this fella, he sounds like a great BGF.

Lots of love,

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3/20/2009 7:00:00 AM