Not to be a total, uh, snooze but can we talk about sleep for a sec? This week I’ve had trouble dragging my butt outta bed. What gives?

I’ve never needed a lot of sleep. My mom swears I didn’t even nap as a baby. But now it seems like I can’t live without my snooze button.
I recently read that teens need around 9 hours (or more!) of sleep each and every night. Do you girls get that many zzz’s? I always mean to hit the sack at a reasonable hour, but end up reading ‘til way late. Gotta come up with a new bedtime routine. Anyone have any ideas?
The worst part of this? Being tired makes me wanna skip my workout. But exercising helps a girl get to sleep easier. Eek! Are you more likely to nap when you’re tired or just get out there and run around for a while?
Time to chug water, brush my teeth (mint can wake ya up!) and hit the track!
Healthy hearts,
Katie A. 


3/19/2009 5:07:00 PM