Nixing A Nasty Habit

I can't stop cracking my knuckles. Or my neck and ankles. I know it's not good for me but it's like a habit, I just can't stop! What can I do?

Sure it feels good to give the old digits a stretch and hear that pop, but cracking your knuckles can actually be a sign that you have some stress in your life. The looseness you feel in your joints after you crack can kinda feel like a release of all the tension you're holding in your body...but it isn't. 

To kick this nasty habit to the curb, first figure out whats causing it. Do you crack them when you're stressed in math class? When you're sitting alone in your room? When you're around your 'rents? Keeping an eye out for the source will make it way easier to cut the cracking.

If you've calmed yourself down but you've still got the habit,  why not try wearing a bracelet with a charm or locket around your wrist? If you feel the need to snap, crackle, and pop your bones, flick the charms or lockets open and close or back and forth, instead. Having something else to play with can take your mind off your joints and calm you down at the same time.

Mastered zen thinking and charm bracelets but still attacking your knuckles? It might be time to ask the rents if you can see a behavioral doc. Stress gets to all of us sometimes and making sure you nip it in the bud is super important. Remember to get to the root of that problem, though. Cracking your joints may seem totally harmless but can actually damage your bones. 

Good luck, girl! xo Annemarie

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4/5/2009 7:00:00 AM