Closet Thief!

My friend (not best friend) borrowed a pair of my $40 pants two weeks ago, and every weekend she is so busy that I can't get my pants back! It's really upsetting because she said I could only get them back this weekend if I spend the night over at her house. But I don't want to go.

Should I sacrifice the pants and go on with my weekends plans, or should I sacrifice my weekend for the pants? My parents are literally breathing down my neck for them, and have even ask my friend to return the pants.

-Blade Luvr

Hey there hon,

Real friends don’t borrow other friend’s clothes without giving them back…eventually! My friends and I borrow each other’s clothes all the time, but we respect each other enough to get them back in a timely manner. It sounds like your friend is holding your pants ransom just so you’ll hang out with her and that’s just not cool.

Someone needs to talk to this girl about respecting other people’s property. You could try telling her you need to wear your pants to some occasion really soon and need them back right away. Ask her if she can bring them to school and give them to you there. There’s no good reason why you should have to do what she says to get back your own pants!

Lots of love,

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6/24/2009 7:00:00 AM