Wedding bells, WAY too early!

My friend moved out of state a few months ago. She's only 14 and has only had like five boyfriends. Now she's saying her VERY FIRST BOYFRIEND is the love of her life and he loves her too. Apparently he asked her to marry him when she moves back here. That won't be for a few years, but still!

She thinks that he's her one and only and that they are meant to be together forever. I've tried to point out all the little facts (like she could find someone else. HE could find someone else!) and she says she knows all that and doesn't care. I don't know what to do!

Whoa girl, seems like your friend is rushing into things super fast with her boyfriend! I can totally see how annoying it would be to try and take her seriously when you see how unrealistic she's being.

Most likely, your friend won’t be marrying this boy. Not now or anytime soon. Since it's her first love she's probably just jumping ahead of herself because of the new emotions she's never felt before. If you ask any girl with a boyfriend, no matter what age, chances are she has envisioned their wedding and marriage already. Every girl does it.

Try to stay calm when she talks about it. When she says something about marrying him just simply say, "Well, that's a long way away." If it's short and sweet and you don't really indulge her too much in talking about it, she'll probably get the hint that you're not too into the idea and will hopefully let off a little.

Keep reminding her that she has her whole life to meet and date guys so she shouldn't worry about it too much. Tell her to let it just happen naturally. Don't keep badgering her though, because she might take it as you being jealous or not supporting her. Eventually she'll come to her senses!

-Katie S.

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7/8/2009 7:00:00 AM