Questioning the cliques

I used to say I had a lot of friends, and it would be true but if I said it nowadays, I would be lying. I don't know what it is. I can fit with every group there is!

I could be a cheerleader, I could be a girlie girl, I could be a tomboy, I could even be one of the guys if I had to! The problem is, if I'm in one group, the other group begins to insult and avoid me. I'm not trying to choose between groups at all! I spend the exact time with one group as I do with the others to be fair, but I still get flack from all the groups.

Which group are really my friends? Am I too picky?


Hey girl,

I can totally see where you’re coming from. Although some people—such as you—like to and can have lots of different friends, some people just don’t get it and can criticize you for it. But don’t let that get you down, because you’re not doing anything wrong. In this case, I don’t even think the problem is YOU!

It’s time to talk about your friends. You’re doing the right thing NOT to choose one over the other, but for now you have to look at them objectively and ask yourself important question: which group respects my choice to have different friends? A true and strong friendship is based on a lot of different values like support, respect and communication. If a “friend” isn’t there to support you, insults you, and avoids you, see if it’s really worth maintaining that relationship.

It’s cool that you have a multi-faceted personality and you’re using that to branch out across clique lines. Maybe you’re super sporty when you’re around your jock friends and a bit more girlie around some of the cheerleaders. And that’s fine!

However, before you move on from one or two groups, try talking to them and show them that what you’re doing isn’t wrong. Maybe even invite diff groups of friends to hang out together or throw a little Friday night soiree with all your pals. If your friends listen to you and try to change, you should give them another chance. Otherwise, you’ll be able to quickly tell who you’re real friends are.

So keep on being yourself, babe. You’re too smart to get caught up in the cliques, so kudos to you.

-Jean L.

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8/10/2009 7:00:00 AM