Bugging out about bumps

I’ve noticed some small white bumps in my vaginal area, like the size of a small pimple. I’m really worried about them. I’m super paranoid about STDs even though I’ve never had sex. I haven’t even had a first kiss!

I’m really nervous about asking my mom because we aren’t close. What are they? Will they go away? Should I see a doctor? Please help!

Hey hon, there’s no need to stress. It’s perfectly normal to be concerned. But before you completely freak out, take a deep breath and grab a mirror. We’re gonna to do some investigating.

First of all, relax. You’re going to be OK. Have a seat on your toilet like you’re going to the bathroom. With the mirror, take a good look at the bumps on around your vagina. If you shave your bikini line, then the little white bumps may really be ingrown hairs. There’s not much you can do about that except leave them alone and try to be more careful when you’re shaving next time.

The bumps may also be caused by sweat. Yes, you can sweat down there. Just like you can get a “white head” pimple on your face, you can also get them around your genital area. In time, these will go away. But if you notice the bumps getting bigger or changing colors, you should definitely seek medical attention.

While you don’t necessarily have to talk to your mom, it wouldn’t hurt to clue her in on what’s going on, especially if she has to arrange your doctor’s appointment and take you there. You could say, “Hey mom, I’m a little embarrassed about what’s going on right now, but I’d really appreciate it if you’d take me to the doctor.” Once you see your doctor, she can answer all of your questions and prescribe any medication you might need. And don’t worry about being embarrassed with your doctor; it’s her job to help you feel better. Good luck and feel better, babe!

Lots of love,

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8/23/2009 7:00:00 AM