Follower Friends

I’m a sophomore and at my youth group, there is a group of freshmen girls who will not leave me alone. Because they are all freshmen, at first they didn’t know many people, so I took the initiative and welcomed them into the group. But now that I’ve gotten to know them a little bit better, and they're really obnoxious. I don’t want to alienate them because I know what it’s like to be the new kid. But oh my gosh!

I try to be friendly, but they are like parasites! If I talk to them for a while and then go to talk to someone else, they will literally just appear at my side. And I think two of them have crushes on my brother (who is three years older than them) and his friends, which is just not right if you ask me.

How can I put some distance between myself and this gaggle of giggling freshmen without seeming rude? I really don’t want to hurt their feelings, but it’s driving me insane!


Hey girl,

Sigh, that's a total stinker! Kudos though for showing those girls around and being so friendly!

But how to get them to back off? This is a toughie. You want them to leave you alone without seeming obnoxious and rude yourself. Definitely branch out and talk to other people at your youth group. When the girls appear beside you, acknowledge them with a "Hey, whatsup!" and then say your busy talking to whoever you're talking to and ask if you can get back to them (the freshmen girls) later. Later on go over and make light convo with the freshmen girls. If they get to be too much while you're talking to them wave to someone else you know, excuse yourself from the freshmen group and go talk to that other person! Hopefully after a couple of times, they'll get the hint.

Good luck!

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10/14/2009 7:00:00 AM