A Week of Sheer Confidence

We’ve all had our moments when we shied away instead of taking charge. For one week I got rid of all my shy or timid characteristics and worked on being bold, to see just how awesome it would be to have sheer confidence.

In an effort to share my thoughts, like those confident girlies do, I tried to do my best to be outspoken in all my classes. I participated more and more and felt better about myself. I realized it was silly to hold back because of a fear of being wrong.
I changed up my outfits, too. Over the years I have developed my own style, not saying I don’t adore it, but I usually don’t try new things when it comes to my wardrobe. During the week, I dug out all those outfits that I had been too scared to wear. At first I was self-conscious of my new look but then I remembered I liked what I was wearing (that’s why I bought it!) and that was all that mattered. At the end of the day, it felt great knowing that I had put aside what other people thought.
Having this clearer look into myself I took the last step and brought my new found poise into my social life. For me, this was probably the hardest part. As far as my friends go, I am all about pleasing. I don’t want anyone’s feelings to get hurt and my way of making sure this didn’t happen was being passive in my relationships. This left me in the dust because I would end up being used and my kindness abused. After I spoke up for myself and told my friends how I felt I was amazed by the respect I received.
After living a week with a bright new attitude and a whole lot of confidence I will never go back to my old self. I love the positive image I have about myself and the respect I have been getting from others. I would highly suggest everyone trying out a week of sheer confidence! 


by Olivia Arrington | 2/1/2016