Throwing New, Kick Butt Workouts in the Mix

My normal workout would consist of getting my sweat on at the gym. I always start with a little cardio to get the blood pumping, and then I move onto strength training. There is nothing wrong with this routine, but it’s become way too boring. Breaking out of the shell with your exercise is important to staying excited about your get-fit plan.

After my decision to pump up my workout, the first thing I decided to do was sign up for an aerobics class. Aerobics are great because they help strengthen your heart and lungs and work on weight loss and stress relief. Plus, taking an aerobics class is so much fun! The music was awesome, the class was big and the instructor was super peppy.

I also tried a boxing class with my best friend. This was probably one of the most physically challenging experiences I have ever had. We endured a grueling workout, and afterwards were trained in the basics of boxing. Needless to say, I was the best kind of sore the day after. Boxing was so cool because it’s all about coordination and strength so we did a lot of jump-roping, and some really hard-core ab workouts.

But you don’t have to go to the gym to put a new spin on your workout. Borrow a Latin dance DVD from the library, check out an ab video clip on Hulu, try a Zumba class at the YMCA, swap running for jump-roping or hula hooping, do laps at the community pool—whatever you think would be amazing!

Trying new things as far as exercising goes has been so much fun. I challenged my body more than my usual workout ever did and I got to learn new techniques at the same time. I now know how to throw a proper right jab, without looking like a complete dork. So try switching up your own workout. You may be surprised as to what you’ve been missing out on! 


by Olivia Arrington | 2/1/2016